Friday, June 28, 2024

Planning land use is fine but please --do it with respect


Respect both for the farmers, their understanding of their world ,but also respect for the unique ecosystem combinations on unique land that he tries to manage.  

The rapid adoption of incentives to try and get action on the environment is motivated, you need to know, by a fanatical frustration our leaders have with OUR learning ability ( that's their view of course) .
As newbies to the conservation ethic, the city hasn't quite learnt  what farmers know by experience : That the resilient way of life is a tried and tested countercultural approach and is therefore at logger heads  ( es in speed and direction ) with what most modern educated ( should we say poorly educated ) people think works out here (eg high  pressure, innovation , speed and exploitation), The need is not for more pressure to get somewhere, but better understanding of how to get there safely

For the first time in a long time, the reactionary Left have given up on education and now want to innovate-- Because they now have the twin dangers of power and little effectiveness, they insist they must motivate the laggards and the slow adopters (That could be you they are talking to)
The new progressives have found all the justification they need to prosecute their latest idea of progress. 
 Having read nothing deep all their university lives, their eyes suddenly light up when they see their names in print.
Fancying themselves as early adopters, they have all the reasons they need to prosecute the case that they know, and you don't.
According to themselves via Schumacher, they are the progressives, and we are the slow learners.  If they only knew that, if they were held responsible for how they spend and waste our money, they would not say a word more.

Instead of sending us broke with woke, they would conserve resources more.  We would then have ENOUGH for all when times were lean again.  Its called resilience in practice.  

See the wonderful " Clarkson's farm "( BBC/AMAZON) where these things are so well and so honestly explored as real life tensions.  

For more Down on the farm: Who will take over the farm?- responsibly (


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